LeetCode Exercise


This is my LeetCode exercise.
You can see all question I did here.

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69. Sqrt(x)


Given a non-negative integer x, return the square root of x rounded down to the nearest integer. The returned integer should be non-negative as well.

You must not use any built-in exponent function or operator.


Example 1:

Input: x = 4
Output: 2
Explanation: The square root of 4 is 2, so we return 2.

Example 2:

Input: x = 8
Output: 2
Explanation: The square root of 8 is 2.82842…, and since we round it down to the nearest integer, 2 is returned.



int mySqrt(int x) {
    int pre = x / 2, now = x / 4;
    if (x == 1)
        return 1;
    // 4 is the largest number that (num^2)/4 <= num
    if (x <= 4)
        return x / 2;
    while (1) {
        // if search window cross the answer, the upper range is the answer
        if (x / pre >= pre)
            return pre;
        // using binary search concept to find the range that sqrt exist
        if (x / now < now || (x / now == now && x % now)) {
            pre = now;
            now /= 2;
        // if we find the range search form both ended
        else {


Space Time
$O(1)$ $O(log(N))$
